Friday, May 20, 2011

# User experience that matters- Harmonized UI with SRM 7 portal

SAP UI innovations are quite user friendly and give overall good user interface.

The portal with Netweaver 7.10 give quite good impression and seems to have fliud interface.

From SRM 2007 (SRM 6.0) SAP adopted the WebDynpro technology in the portal- benefit- easy tweaking of frontend (BADI goes away now)-Less complicated to setup through IMG menu path (see in SPRO)-Better approach for error finding.

User can see the 'up-to-date' task dash board as per the POWL results. POWL (Personalised Object Work List) can be adjusted to suit the end user requirement also can be customised throughout the system.

Update - New shiny SAP Netweaver 7.31 promise more.